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The Last Supper (2001)

Height: 60 cm, width: 80 cm. Please click on the picture for a bigger illustration.

The Last Supper Acrylic, Lego, board, corrugated paper. 02/2001. In the middle 13 of four different colored Lego bricks on a green Lego plate are arranged in a circle, representing the 12 apostles with Jesus. The green symbolizes hope. A single, white Lego brick is highlighted in the bottom and represents Jesus, the right of it in red John, left of Jesus in black Judas. The circle of Lego bricks has a red border and is representative of the all-encompassing love and life itself and is embedded in a white surface that is radiating pattern woven into the golden ether. White and gold to symbolize the divine. This composition is framed by a burgundy mat with red picture frame symbol of nature and life itself The whole picture is covered by a brown varnish of the material and the Diabolical supposed to represent in the world.

Dr. Dieter Zinsmayer | Brandesstraße 2a | 78464 Konstanz | Tel: +49 (0)7531 693310 | Fax: +49 (0)7531 693311 | http://www.zinsmayer.com